104 | why sensory experiences impact your autistic child’s eating with Brittyn Coleman
ABOUT THIS EPISODE (+ scroll for resources) 👇
Dr. Tay and Brittyn Coleman, Registered Dietitian, discuss:
- the overlap between sensory experiences and eating for autistic children
- sensory-friendly strategies to diversify diets and support gut health
- offering practical advice for parents on supporting their autistic children with feeding therapy and neurodivergent affirming approaches
⚡️ connect with Brittyn Coleman
visit her website (including her 5-day workshop + membership)
⚡️ want to learn more about Dr. Tay's Whole Family Approach and current services offered? schedule a free consult call here or email admin@drtaylorday.com if you have questions.
⚡️ join the Evolve Facebook community to participate in the episode Q+As >> facebook.com/groups/evolveautism
⚡️ learn from me and submit your questions [could be featured on a future episode] >>
*please note: in this episode, many terminologies and phrases are used to describe autism. Dr. Tay honors what each child and family prefers, and intentionally chooses to use affirming and identity-first language after listening to autistic adults and their preferences. various guests on the podcast are likely to use the language that they have been exposed to the most.