154 | sex education for autistic youth with Dr. Michelle Fardella
ABOUT THIS EPISODE (+ scroll for resources) 👇
Dr. Tay is joined by Dr. Michelle Fardella, a clinical and school psychologist from Canada, to discuss the critical topic of sex education for autistic youth. The conversation covers various aspects, including the importance of proactive sex education, teaching body autonomy, consent, and addressing misconceptions. They delve into barriers faced by autistic youth in accessing comprehensive sex education and emphasize safety and appropriate teaching methods. Additionally, the episode touches on gender identity, sexual orientation, and provides practical resources for parents and educators. Trigger warnings and the importance of seeking support are also highlighted to ensure a safe and informative discussion.
00:00 Introduction and Episode Overview
00:29 Meet Dr. Michelle Fardella
02:43 Trigger Warning and Sensitive Topics
03:57 Dr. Fardella's Background and Passion
06:26 Challenges in Sex Education for Autistic Youth
08:09 Importance of Tailored Sex Education
10:27 Parental Mindset and Barriers
18:03 Starting Early: Teaching Consent and Safety
20:01 Navigating Discomfort and Finding Safe Persons
23:43 The Accidental Exposure to Pornography
23:58 Discussing Pornography with Young Children
25:11 Proactive Conversations About Intercourse
26:04 Addressing Misconceptions from Pornography
28:13 Honesty in Answering Kids' Questions
30:10 Resources for Teaching Sexual Health
32:46 Masturbation: Education and Safety
36:00 Gender Identity and Sexual Orientation
41:04 Conclusion and Additional Resources
⚡️ find resources for talking about these topics on Dr. Michelle’s blog >> https://www.wondertreepractice.ca/post/a-caregiver-s-guide-to-teaching-sex-education-to-neurodivergent-youth
⚡️follow WonderTree Practice on Instagram and learn more about their services here if you’re in Ontario
⚡️ want to learn more about Dr. Tay's Whole Family Approach and current services offered? visit drtaylorday.com
⚡️ join the Evolve Facebook community to participate in the episode Q+As >> facebook.com/groups/evolveautism
⚡️ learn from me and submit your questions [could be featured on a future episode] >>